Aaron died February 2, 2010. JoAnn and I attended his funeral in Berkeley Springs. After sitting with Susan and Pete and talking about Aaron for the previous 3 days, I wrote the following for them the night before his funeral service. Pete had related the story about taking Aaron to see a rock concert and the great time that they had and I used that as the theme..
                      WHEN IS A LIFETIME

A Grandmother who loved him undyingly knew him only as the infant she held tenderly to her mortal body.
His recollection of her was of the adoring cradler who cooed feelings that he understood as love; that is the only way he knew her in life.

“And she’s buying a stairway to heaven” 1

The Uncle watched this one grow from the age of the toddler to the age of the teen; and had great fun with the boy’s joie de vivre.
He knew his uncle as an elder applauder of his jokes and pranks; saddened when the man with youthful appreciation was called from his journey.

“He is a feather in the wind”2

Each friend knew him for some period of their shared youth; and they reveled in each other’s interest in life as they felt it.
He saw them for what they were; and looked into their inner thoughts to fathom how he could open up to them. 

“The greatest thing you ever can do now is trade a smile with someone who’s blue now”3
In 2007, Aaron attended a flight training course at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Institute in Daytona Beach. JoAnn and I were fortunate that we were able to attend his graduation ceremony. This was just one of the many life enriching events that Aaron was able to participate in.
For others that have gone before MEMORIES

The parents, who wanted this marvelous child of theirs to witness all, experience all, benefit from all, and take pleasure in all the wonderful possibilities of the life they had breathed to his body, knew him for his journey of 19 earth years.
How blest that he was able to know the best pal and tour guide a kid could have, and the most adoring  nurse, protector, confidant, and proponent that any child could want, for all of those love-packed years.

“And if I say to you tomorrow. Take my hand, child, come with me. 
It’s to a castle I will take you, where what’s to be, they say will be.”4

Time can’t be measured solely as a wandering earth circles it’s sun; aren’t there actions and interactions that make some time more meaningful than other?
Multiply his time on earth by the people he touched, and the love that he felt, and confidence that he gained, and the plans that he shared. When is a lifetime!

1 Stairway to Heaven  -  Led Zeppelin
2 All My Love  -  Led Zeppelin
3 Friends  -  Led Zeppelin
4 What Is and What Should Never Be  -  Led Zeppelin

  • Aaron Webster Moss
     born 1/14/1991 died 2/3/2010

Aaron Moss with his girl friend Mimi 2009.

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