St. Stephens Church in Bockweiler
I visted this church, which dates back 1000 years, in July 2013, and was struck by the possibility that my Great-great-great-great- grandfather may have worshipped in this church with his father in the mid 1700s.
During the day in July, 2013 that JoAnn and I spent in Bockweiler, we searched 2 cemeteries just outside the town. I was unable to locate any headstones that had names that I could recognize. We did meet several local people who were helpful, including a high school teacher who went to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and whose mother-in-law had two old church registries that I was able to search, also unsuccessfully.
Other churches we saw in Germany during our 3 week's pilgrimage in 2013.
Bockweiler, the home of Martin Brill
Bockweiler is a small village in the Saar area of Germany withthe closest town on most maps being Zweibrucken. The village has a Roman watering trough (Picture on left) and the church (top above) is built on foundations of a Roman temple. When you turn around on the hill overlooking Bockweiler you are looking directly  into France.
Click on the following to see a video of Bockweiler,