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For almost 60 years this picture of Carol Edith Brill, born 4/2/1957 hung in our homes as we moved from Youngstown, Ohio, where she was born to Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and back to Pittsburgh where she left our home to make one of her own as Mrs. David Wolff. The picture went with us to West Chester, PA, where she and her growing family joined us for a while. She didn’t follow us to St. Louis, but she did bring David Matthew Wolff at the age of 6 to go with her mother, JoAnn, her brother, Charles and me on what was our last of many family camping trips. This one was the biggest of all – about 3000 miles through the west including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore and all the sights in between. After 20 years in St. Louis, JoAnn and I moved to Winter Garden, FL – mostly to be nearer to Carol and her family. We’ve had fifteen wonderful years in which Carol was no more than a half hour away. A short time ago, we gave this picture of herself to Carol to hang in her home.
We now have the picture back in our home; hanging where we will see it many times a day. Our Daughter, Carol Edith Wolff, died May 23, 2019 at home after several years of physical and health problems and two months of disability. Her Life was celebrated June 1 with a program presented by her sons David Matthew, Jonathan Paul, and Benjamin Andrew and their spouses Mary, Emily, and fiancée Tabitha Carey; and the three grandchildren she doted on, Rosie Nicole, Rowan Elliot, and Everett Linc Wolff. Also, in attendance were Carol’s three brothers Jon, Kenneth and Charles ; her sister-in-law Christina Brill; her nieces and nephews from Ocala - Hope Brill-Vary and Riley Vary; Becca McKinney, Donald McKinney and their sons Nikita and Lennox; Emma and Andrew Bedford; and Ryan, Holly, Grace and Spencer Brill; and her nieces from Missouri – Hannah, Kaitlin, Victoria and Chloe Brill. Her sister-in-law, Wendy McKisic made the trip from Flower Mound Texas; the Carey family came from St. Augustine. Friends of Carol’s 3 sons showed their support. A large number of friends and associates were there representing her employer, Target. Many others, including her mother-in-law, Ginger Wolff; her sisters-in-law, Shannon and Karen Brill and Becky Orr; her nieces Lauren Burke and Allyson Brill; and her ex-husband David J. Wolff expressed their condolences and regrets that due to illness or commitments they were not able to attend. Friends and family sent flowers, condolences, food and loving conversations. Our home-owners association catered to our every need. Everyone did their best to soothe the heartache.
JoAnn and I have our memories, pictures and mementos but it will be a while before those are enough.

Carol and her Mom                  1970
Celebration of Life 6/1/2019
Carol with her sons and daughters-in-law 2010
For others that have gone before MEMORIES
Carol and Rosie
Carol and Rowan
Carol and her dad
Carol Edith Brill