Grandmother Hunter lived into her 90's. She was a thoughtful, articulate, forward-thinking woman. At age 90 she wrote a letter to her God acknowledging  her advancing age.

I’ve had another birthday, LORD;
So I may need a little help from now on.
It’s not that I mind the stiff joints;
It’s only that I don’t want the years to let me grow crabbed and narrow minded.

I want to hold on to my sense of humor; 
And to keep the corners of my mouth turned up.
I want to be able to see young folks from a broad viewpoint;
And to rejoice with them in their modern freedom, and ambition, and their fineness.

I want to keep step with the world of today;
And to accept new ideas and new standards, without just criticisms and comparisons.
If I can’t keep in the harness and help pull;
At least I don’t want to hang back and drag.

Grandmother Hunter with JoAnn and Jon Jr. on Back patio of Uncle Bill Hunter's home in Berkeley Springs.
Grandmother Hunter with Mom and Dad (Mary and Russell Brill, Sr.)
Grandmother Hunter's letter to God inspired me to write a poem about honoring the good that we have recieved from those in our past. I call it LET'S TRADE.
Grandmother Hunter (that is what we called her - it was never "Grandma" and I can't think of her in any other terms) was a very formal person with a great sense of humor. She was the most sensible and responsible person I knew in my early years.
For others that have gone before MEMORIES
Henry family genealogy

Shackelford family genealogy
NANNIE KATHRYN HENRY HUNTER born 3/1/1882 died 9/3/1973

I want to look ahead with hope for the earth,
In the future of this old planet.
I want folks to visit with me because they enjoy it;
And not because they consider it a duty.

I want to be able to give of myself for the happiness of others;
Instead of merely accepting.
I want to keep my spirit young 
As the years pile up.

So maybe I’ll need a little help
From now on, LORD.
Please help me to be a serene old lady;
And thanks a lot.

Nan Hunter