• About  Russell Ervin Brill Jr.
Russell Jr. with Dad and Jon Sr. in Dad's Brownsville Home
Russell Jr. the oldest of 4 children was born 11/9/1926 in Berkeley Springs, WV.
When his parents split up in 1940, he ran away from home and stayed with the family of a friend, quit school and went to work to support himself. He enlisted in the army before he was 18 even though he had eye problems that would ordinarily disqualify an applicant. He was eventually stationed in Hawaii and was trained in culinary pursuits. He was discharged after WWII ended and went to work with Hathaway Bakery as a baker from his training in the army. He met Alice Davis at Hathaway and the were married shortly thereafter. They had 3 living children: Nancy Kathleen (Nancy K) in 1948, James Creswell (Rusty) in 1949, and David Paul in 1952. They were separated in 1953 and got back together in1954 and had a baby girl who died of S.I.D.S. while he was manager of an Isaly dairy store in Niles, OH. They separated permanently and he lived on and off with our mother in Brownsville, PA, and Cumberland MD. After our mother died he moved to Berkeley Springs, WV. He died on 3/6/2004 after being hospitalized for a couple of years.
As a boy, maybe in West Newton PA or Youngstown OH
With Aunt Bama, Mom and Jon Sr.
With Betsy, Jon and Nancy. Mom in first picture and Dad in second
With Susan Webster and Jon Sr. at our Dad's childhood home in Hooks Mill

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