At some time, the original name Shackleford became Shackelford. I have not yet found the point at which it happened, but it seems to have been after the arrival of Roger Shackelford (or Shackleford) in Virginia in the mid 1600's. The family in England seems to spring from William de Shackleford who lived in  the Village of Shackleford, Surrey, England.
Aldro School in the center of the village was built as a mansion in the nineteenth century on the site of Hall Place, which William de Shackleford owned during the reign of Henry VIII (1491 - 1547).   Its main block dates from around 1900 but it still retains the 18th century stables, complete with cupola, that served the previous house on the site.

Mary Edna Shackelford Brill
          1905 - 1986
My Grandfather John P. Shackelford (1879 - 1904) was born in the Berkeley Springs area where he met and married my Grandmother Nannie C. Henry. He died 7 months before my mother, Mary Edna Shackelford and my aunt Martha Ernestine Shackelford were born.
Shackelford Coat of Arms
The first of our line to come to the English Colonies was Roger Shackleford sometime about 1650 in Gloucester County, Virginia.

The families of my four grandparents all have long histories in this country almost without exception dating back to revolutionary times. The longest of these is the Shackelford family line which dates back to at least 1660 in colonial America and which I have traced back to 1490 in the Village of Shackleford in England from which the name is derived. 
For others that have gone before MEMORIES
Grandfather Shackelford with friends
Shackelford family genealogy
a recent photograph of the Shackleford Town Center sign and post office
John P. Shackelford as a boy